Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dino B-day

Hi Everyone!! Happy Tuesday!!
Time for Scrap-Creations Challenge this week its super easy
I tried to make a boy card so went with super simple embellishments, not too sure I like the finished card.

I am using this for the following challenges:
For the boys---> Dutch Dare
Stars---> Totally Gorjuss

That's all from me!
Have a Wonderful Day and God Bless!!


jessica said...

OMG I love it!! That image is too cute and you always have the perfect embellishments!!
Awesome job :)

Lisa Jane said...

oh lol.. he is funny and those papers are just perfect .. love that bright green
Lisa x

Basement Stamper said...

super cute, love the image and colors. I also love your new blog header and colors, fabulous!

bonnie said...

Oh this is the cutest! ;) Hugs x

LeslieT said...

Love your image, papers and design! Thanks for playing with us in the Dutch Dare Card Challenge!
Leslie, DT

Hannelie said...

I can tell you I like it... a lot!

Thanks for joining the Dutch Dare card challenge
DT Member

Kat said...

What a fun image! Love how you've matched the colours in the image to the DP. Thanks for joining us at TG this week.

Kat x

Dorte said...

Wonderful colours and dp you have used for your lovely card. The image is cute. Perfect for a boy.
Thanks for joining the challenge at DDCC this time.
Hope to se you again.
hugs Dorte